速報APP / 運動 / Burpee: Log your WODs

Burpee: Log your WODs



檔案大小:13.2 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.2 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖1)-速報App

About Burpee:

Burpee is an app that will help you save and keep track of all your CrossFit WODs.

Also you can save your lift records.

With Burpee you don't need to worry about your saved data, our app keeps everything secure in the Cloud for you.

Our mission with Burpee is to give the best user experience ever for all our users.

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖2)-速報App



• Your data will be saved securely in the Cloud. You don't need to worry about backups and things like that.

• Save and edit your daily WODs.

• Create your own custom workouts.

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖3)-速報App

• Tons of pre-saved CrossFit Benchmarks and more.

• Tons of pre-saved exercises.

• Save and edit your lift records.

• Very user friendly interface, everything is pretty simple to use.

More info can be found at www.burpeemobile.com

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖4)-速報App

If you find any problem or have any feedback or suggestions, please email us:


This is the best way for us to help you!

We are planning new great features for our next releases!

Enjoy Burpee!

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖5)-速報App

Thank you!


Burpee is not affiliated or endorsed by CrossFit, Inc or any of its trademarks in any way.

CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc, All Rights Are Reserved, for more information please visit http://www.crossfit.com

Burpee: Log your WODs(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad